Cette société n'est plus en activité


Fondée en: 1958

Awards: 26

Clients: 21

Wunderman EMEA HQ

Hampstead Road Greater London House
London NW1 7QP
Téléphone: 020 7611 6909

A propos de l'agence Wunderman EMEA HQ


Danois, Anglais, Français, Allemand, Italien, Russe, Espagnol, Suédois
Philosophie et positionnement concurrentiel
With a rich heritage spanning over forty years, Wunderman is one of today's most experienced, customer-focused marketing communications agencies. We offer powerful data solutions - both in-house and through KnowledgeBase Marketing, a wholly owned subsidiary and of course, best-in-class creative services. We combine broad-ranging capabilities in strategy and insights, customer dialogue and teleservices, media, interactive and promotions — and mix well — to deliver holistic, seamless client solutions.
Description du réseau
Wunderman is one of the truly global customer-focused agency networks:
- 100% ownership
- 69 offices in 50 countries (30 in Europe, 24 in the Americas, 2 in Africa, 10 in Asia & Middle East, 3 in Oceania)
- Dedicated worldwide / regional / country management
- Centres of excellence in direct marketing, database analytics, interactive marketing, promo & events, literature, planning & insights
- Organised to integrate with brand and media agencies
- Wunderman is focused on a number of Key Global Client Partners with dedicated teams and structures

Because of Sarbanes-Oxley financial regulations originating from the US, all of the major communications networks including Y&R and Wunderman now refrain from posting financial and headcount data on public websites. Such information is of course freely available to clients on a confidential basis.