
1631 Pontius Avenue
Los Angeles California 90025
Téléphone: 310 319-3737


Autres compétences: Marketing Services, Etudes de marché / consulting, Média

Effectif: 21

Awards: 1

Clients: 10

Fraser Communications

1631 Pontius Avenue
Los Angeles California 90025
Téléphone: 310 319-3737

Renee Fraser

President & CEO

Téléphone: 310 319 3737 x122

Leah Mitchell

SVP, Media Director

John Stein

SVP, Creative Director

Téléphone: 310 319 3737 x122

A propos de l'agence Fraser Communications

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Philosophie et positionnement concurrentiel
360° Communications ™ Life is certainly more complex than ever before. And for that reason, what consumers want most is a way around that complexity--a way to feel empowered (whether it’s illusory or not). That empowerment comes from having a sense of control, choice and convenience. Communications that are persuasive and effective must tap into this truth. And to be most effective, they should be in people’s lives at all times. The most effective communications are those that surround consumers at pivotal times. Brand Link ™ It’s not enough for advertisers just to “get their messages out there.” Those messages have to be out there when consumers choose to look/hear/see and act on them. That’s why we created Brand Link—a method for determining where our prospects’ lives intersect with the brand to optimize their choosing to buy or act.
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