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Fondée en: 1966



Effectif: 127

Awards: 33

Créations: 1

Clients: 5

Y&R Mexico

Blvd. Manuel Avila Camacho 176 7° Piso
Mexico City Districto Federa 11700
Téléphone: +52 55 1500 0006

Ramon Calderon

Chief Financial Officer & Vice-President

Téléphone: 5-246-0000

Carlos Vizcaino

President & Managing Director

Téléphone: 5-246-0000

Marco Zuniga

Executive Vice-President & Client Services Dir.

Téléphone: 5-246-0000

A propos de l'agence Y&R Mexico

We create living brands that are present and participatory. Interesting and interested.
Engaged and responsive. Defining culture that drives capital for our clients. 


Philosophie et positionnement concurrentiel
Description du réseau

Young & Rubicam Inc. and its worldwide affiliates operate 339 agencies, covering 73 countries around the world.