Interviews de la communauté publicitaire

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Leading and winning as if my 6 years of mommy break didn’t happen is something that makes me give myself a pat on the back.  lire plus


Women do operate differently than men, and I think you’re seeing a ripple effect of increased diversity and inclusion initiatives as more women...  lire plus


Our first instinct can just be to keep going and try to act like everything is fine; it can be hard or even embarrassing to express the pressures...  lire plus


The female leaders at the agency have different concerns from male leaders, and the challenge sometimes is to marry both.  lire plus


We use the term “challenger” as part of our branding, but it’s also because it’s part of our culture.  lire plus


There are thankfully now more women in leadership positions (although this is work in progress), and leadership styles as a result are becoming...  lire plus


We need to keep fighting for the opportunities ourselves, because the world has historically made us feel like sh*t, so we’re more inclined to view...  lire plus


Pushing the change and making some people feel uncomfortable along the way likely means you are doing something right!  lire plus


Having female leaders who have a voice naturally empowers other women to find their space in the ad environment  lire plus