
1st Floor, 40 Whitfield St
London W1T 2RH
Téléphone: +44 (0)20 7034 2650


Black Label Productions

1st Floor, 40 Whitfield St
London W1T 2RH
Téléphone: +44 (0)20 7034 2650
Nicci Clark

Nicci Clark


Téléphone: +44 (0) 7710 073 116

A propos de Black Label Productions

Black Label is a production company that offers brands and creatives the opportunity to work with a roster of acclaimed commercials, features and documentary directors under one banner. 

Philosophie et positionnement concurrentiel


Duncan-Heath-copy-2-e1412789967601Duncan is the co-chairman of the Independent Talent Group, Europe’s largest talent agency, representing many of the world’s leading actors, writers and directors.Their clients include many leading figures in the British film industry, including actors and actresses such as Ian McKellen, Colin Firth, Michael Caine, Maggie Smith, Daniel Craig and Thandie Newton, as well as acclaimed directors, including the likes of Matthew Vaughn, Danny Boyle, Anton Corbijn and Martin Campbell. 


Dom Freeman - Black LabelDom Freeman started his career as a production company producer in the late 1980’s before becoming an agency producer. In the early 90’s, he returned to his production company roots at RSA.Over the following years, Dom produced for many established commercial and features directors such as Guy Richie, Alejandro Inarritu and John Cameron – Mitchell, which is where Dom and Duncan’s paths crossed and Black Label was formed. 

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