A virtual police station to protect women

The e-police station allows women who experience cyberviolence to file a complaint that’s relayed to the real authorities.

par Maud Largeaud , AdForum

GTA RP (or “Grand Theft Auto Roleplay”, for the uninitiated) is one of the most popular games in the world. But it has some of the problems of the real world too. Including hostility and violence towards women. To tackle the abuse meted out to female players, Wonder Woman Tech (WWT), an NGO supporting women in tech, and the Brazilian agency ALMAP BBDO decided to act. GTA RP has featured police stations for years, but now it will offer access to an e-police station that’s not entirely virtual. Players are encouraged to keep evidence of harassment and cyberviolence, and then use their avatars to report it at the police station, without having to leave the game. The report and a complaint will then be filed and relayed to the very real authorities for investigation.