Interviews de la communauté publicitaire

Retrouvez les esprits les plus créatifs, les dirigeants d'agences de communication et leurs clients.
Découvrez les interviews de créatifs, dirigeants d'agence et annonceurs

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Our communications no longer live in the vacuums that we imagined them 20 or 30 years ago.   lire plus


For someone to truly believe in your brand and what you're putting out into the universe, you have to have a purpose.  lire plus


It’s a radical shift in perspective to work with clients who don’t make or sell anything.  lire plus


This sound book shows the sounds animals really make in today’s world through six powerful, shocking tales.   lire plus


Yes, we are making work that stands for something, but it’s important to be conscious of how we go about creating that work.  lire plus


The Dutch climate protection organization Justdiggit and Havas Germany have joined forces to create visibility for one of the most successful...  lire plus


With my background in music videos and fashion films I knew I would be able to inject this campaign with a different level of energy.  lire plus


The campaign highlights many of the rights outlined in The Convention on the Rights of the Child in a way that’s most relatable to Canadians  lire plus


People, including ourselves, take things for granted quite easily: whether it’s a constant 4G connection, a famous monument on a square in...  lire plus


To be frank, the media has the power to dispel stereotypes and influence attitudes and beliefs—which is why we’re calling on the industry to commit...  lire plus