Campagne Frekkel - Staatsloterij
Annonceur Staatsloterij
Marque Staatsloterij
Date de première diffusion/publication 2018 / 12
Secteur d'activité Loterie, PMU et jeux d'argent
Synopsis Be grateful for the old as we approach the new Martin Werner new film with ‘star on the rise Frekkel’ fills your heart with gratitude. We all hope that someday our bank account quadruples in zero’s. However, that doesn’t mean we don’t appreciate the little things in life we already have. Director Martin Werner teamed up with Czar Amsterdam for the New Year’s film for the Dutch Lottery. Werner introduces the Dutch to Frekkel the dog and his whopping performance. Frekkel has become the Dutch’ favorite hashtag. Frekkel – not your typical showdog – overheard his owners dreaming of winning the lottery: ‘If we win that 30 million, I only want beautiful things'. The somewhat crippled dog heads out – scared to be replaced for a luxury pet. When his owners realize their precious dog has gone missing, they desperately search for their pet. When Frekkel returns home, the owners reward the finders with a lottery ticket. Because in the end, it’s love that counts.
Type de média Télévision
Plus d'info https://czar.nl/video/frekkel/
Maison de production
Post production
Directeur de la photo
Producteur exécutif
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