
58 Frith Street
London W1D 3JQ
Téléphone: 0207 437 1052


Fondée en: 2004

Awards: 41

Créations: 119

Fondée en: 2004

Awards: 41

Créations: 119

The Assembly Rooms

58 Frith Street
London W1D 3JQ
Téléphone: 0207 437 1052

A propos de The Assembly Rooms

The Assembly Rooms was established in 2004 by Nik Hindson and Sam Rice-Edwards and has since grown into one of London's leading film editing companies. With a roster of nine talented and award winning editors, we are equally comfortable editing commercials, promos, short films, features or documentaries.

Our town house in the middle of Soho is a creative haven for directors, producers and agencies alike. Despite our expansion to eight suites and an art gallery, we have retained our boutique feel and continue to offer our clients the talent, experience and attention to detail we feel necessary to create the best work.

A principle of sustainability runs through the company, starting with how we train and promote from within and continuing to how we source our water and electricity. (There are even plans to keep bees on the roof and produce Assembly Rooms honey.)

We have representation across the USA, but are also happy to offer our editors on set or in suites anywhere in the world. 


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