
38 Fitzwilliam Place
Dublin 2
Téléphone: 016761191


Fondée en: 1960



Holding: Omnicom Group (New York, Etats-Unis)

Clients: 12

Owens DDB

38 Fitzwilliam Place
Dublin 2
Téléphone: 016761191

Mark Hogan

Managing Director

Téléphone: 01 676 11 91

A propos de l'agence Owens DDB

DDB leads with a philosophy of The Power to Move: if you can move consumers emotionally and track them all the way through the funnel, then ultimately you’ll achieve the greatest impact. We create an emotional advantage for brands by making people feel something which then makes them want to do something. This is the magic of DDB’s creativity. As proof, Cannes Lions recently awarded us 2023 Network of
the Year.

Since our founding in 1949, DDB has embraced the mantra that “Creativity is the most powerful force in business.” We built our reputation with some of the most globally iconic brands and campaigns like VW’s “Lemon”, State Farm's “Like a Good Neighbor” and McDonald's “I’m Lovin’ It”. Through our continued work with Chief Effectiveness Officer Les Binet, we have quantified the power that emotional creativity has over the long and the short term for brands. Our effectiveness has garnered us the distinction of being named the #1 Most Effective Agency Network in 2023 by the Effie Awards.

DDB has over 8,000 employees across 149 offices in over 90 countries, with its flagship office in New York, NY.  Within the US, we have 600 employees across four offices in Chicago, New York, San Francisco, and Miami. And, as a wholly owned subsidiary of Omnicom Group (NYSE: OMC), we have the capability to tap into additional integrated network capabilities including public relations, brand strategy, media planning, customer relationship management, data and analytics, and more than 30 other marketing and communications disciplines. 


Anglais, Gaélique
Philosophie et positionnement concurrentiel
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Description du réseau

Omnicom Group Inc. (NYSE-OMC) is a leading global marketing and corporate communications company. Omnicom’s branded networks and numerous specialty firms provide advertising, strategic media planning and buying, digital and interactive marketing, direct and promotional marketing, public relations and other specialty communications services to over 5,000 clients in more than 100 countries. Omnicom is proud to have been recognized as Holding Company of the Year on Ad Age’s 2023 A-List. 

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