
Pursimiehenkatu 29-31 B
Helsinki 00150
Téléphone: +358 (0) 424 6711
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Eka Ruola

Eka Ruola


Téléphone: +358 40 8600 234


Fondée en: 1991

Effectif: 98

Awards: 71

Clients: 16

Fondée en: 1991

Effectif: 98

Awards: 71

Clients: 16

Hasan & Partners

Pursimiehenkatu 29-31 B
Helsinki 00150
Téléphone: +358 (0) 424 6711
Site web:
Eka Ruola

Eka Ruola


Téléphone: +358 40 8600 234

A propos de l'agence Hasan & Partners

hasan & partners Group are 150 persons - analytical and strategic thinkers, persistent doers, highly skilled developers, passionate writers, creative designers and engaging storytellers - a diverse group of brilliant minds with relentless curiosity towards all things new.

We bought ourselves free from IPG just four years ago and are now an independent group – 100% owned by partners working in the agency. hasan & partners Group is one of the most awarded agencies in Northern Europe consisting of hasan & partners ad agency in Helsinki and Stockholm, the digital agency Perfect Fools in Stockholm and Amsterdam and the consumer insight agency Frankly Partners in Helsinki.

We strive to make our clients famous by offering them world-class integrated strategies, creative storytelling and digital production through one point of contact – plus the power of the whole group. We have provided our clients with worldwide fame without a huge global media budget, we have multiplied their store traffic with digital installation to generate huge buzz and earned media and we have increased our clients’ brand value thru a solid brand strategy, distinctive positioning and brand personality, which are then leveraged to create inspiring storytelling and holistic brand experience in all touch-points.

We make our services, talents and skills easily accessible through our ‘one team’ model, where one point of client contact takes care of everything all the way from consumer insight and research through strategic and creative thinking to innovative digital production and engaging storytelling in all channels. 



Anglais, Allemand, Portugais, Finlandais, Suédois
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Voir plus 

Marque: Fazer

Catégorie: Alimentation

Marque: Helsingin Sanomat

Catégorie: Médias, édition, production

Marque: Karhu

Catégorie: Boissons

Marque: Kiosked

Catégorie: Publicité et communication

Marque: KONE

Catégorie: Industrie

Marque: Metsä

Catégorie: Agriculture, élevage, pêche, forêt

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