
159 West 300 South. Suite 200
Salt Lake City Utah 84101
Téléphone: 801.531.0122


Autres compétences: Publicité/Communication intégrée, Agence digitale, Développement / innovation / marques, Design/Packaging

Fondée en: 2003

Effectif: 50


159 West 300 South. Suite 200
Salt Lake City Utah 84101
Téléphone: 801.531.0122

Jason Bangerter


Téléphone: 801-531-0122

Steve Driggs

Executive Creative Director

Kyle Snarr

New Business Director

A propos de l'agence Struck

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Philosophie et positionnement concurrentiel
Hello, we're Struck. We're a mid-sized group of interactive, design, and creative pros that have assembled together with one goal in mind – to create what people talk about. It sounds simple, but this conversationalist mentality has proven priceless for a number of businesses and national advertising agencies that call us partners. Regardless of the assignment, regardless of the medium, regardless of the budget, we strive to create materials that turn ordinary people into brand evangelists. And what's more, we flex the research, strategy and media capacity to make sure those people are the right people for the job. Our approach is unique and so are our people. We're nimble enough to accommodate any expectation and brawny enough to exceed it. We do work that breaks through — creativity is the hammer.
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