Movimento Superação - "Sem rampa, calçada é muro" by PHNX Awards 2020

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TitreSem rampa, calçada é muro
Campagne Without a ramp, a sidewalk is a wall
Annonceur Movimento SuperAção
Marque Movimento Superação
Date de première diffusion/publication 2019 / 4
Produit Without a ramp, a sidewalk is a wall
Synopsis Most of the sidewalks on the streets of São Paulo are not accessible. The lack of ramps in its streets is a major problem for people with disabilities. Therefore, Movimiento Superaçao carried out an initiative with which to bring the problem to light and give it visibility.

The idea was to see the sidewalks curbs as walls for people in wheelchairs. With this in mind, artists were invited to paint with graffiti the sidewalks curbs that needed an access ramp. Then, Instagram and a website were used to show and to spread the project.

The campaign had a great impact on television, newspapers, social networks and even reached a congresswoman. And what is better, it was possible for some of the graffiti to become ramps.
Brand Movimento SuperAção
Campaign Sidewalk Walls
Advertising Agency Havas+, Brazil
Chief Creative Officer Alexandre Vilela
Creative Directors Alexandre Vilela, Tarso Soares, Célio Salles
Creation Alexandre Lage, Melissa Pottker, Ivan Montebello, Rodrigo Seixas, Gustavo Zotini
Projects Rafael Coelho, Danilo Ferreira
Developers Luiz Giusti, Hiago Lima
RTV Production Diego Cagnani, Carol Reis
Graphics Production Carlos Vieira
Art Buyer Beatriz Rossi
Producer Cromo Filmes
Directors Thiago Siqueira, Lucas Mello
Photography Director Hyran de Mula
Editors Gabriela Dias, Francisco Filho
Audio Producer Coletiva Produtora
Music Coletiva Produtora
Photography Genga Estúdio, Vitor Garcia, Rodrigo Seixas, Alexandre Lage
Approval Billy Saga