TitreDrama Queen
Campagne Young Director Awards
Annonceur Cfp-E/Shots
Marque Young Director Awards

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Date de première diffusion/publication Uniquement pour les abonnés
Secteur d'activitéUniquement pour les abonnés
Type de média Télévision & Cinéma
Responsable de la publicité (annonceur) Fr....ois C...ot Uniquement pour les abonnés
Responsable de la publicité (annonceur) H...es Ja....en Uniquement pour les abonnés
Directeur artistique M...a L...la Uniquement pour les abonnés
Concepteur / rédacteur M..a O...on Uniquement pour les abonnés
Réalisateur R...er H..p Uniquement pour les abonnés
Producteur exécutif J....es Ve.....en Uniquement pour les abonnés
Producteur K...n Br....ma Uniquement pour les abonnés
Maison de production C...ar Am.....am Uniquement pour les abonnés
Maison de production L....-A Uniquement pour les abonnés
Directeur de la production E...e H...us Uniquement pour les abonnés
Monteur M...ik .e R...er Uniquement pour les abonnés
Directeur de la photo S...e W...er Uniquement pour les abonnés
Son J...ai J...en Uniquement pour les abonnés

Á propos TBWA\Helsinki

We are a true full-service, 360-degree agency, a leader in creativity, strategy, and effectiveness in Finland, the Nordics, and the world. With 135 experts in Finland, 330 in the Nordics, and 11,000 worldwide, we will do whatever you need with your brand and marketing.
TBWA\Helsinki is the only truly international and most award-winning agency in Finland. Our ambition is to be one of the best agencies in the world, not just in our home market.

Dernières actus

'Tampon for men' brand now goes fully gender neutral


The launch of Tampon for Men for transgender men during last year's Transgender Awareness
Week became a global talking point. It was featured in news in 89 different countries and
sparked lively discussions on social media. Opinions were divided, but feedback from the
transgender community and supporters of diversity was overwhelmingly positive, with many
expressing gratitude for feeling seen due to the campaign.

"We paid close attention to the conversation. From the feedback we recognized the need for
completely gender-neutral products that would recognize non-binary individuals as well.
Additionally, there were requests for other products, such as underwear liners and menstrual
pads. Based on this, we started developing a fully gender-neutral product line that will be
launched this summer," says Sanna Karhu, CEO of Delipap Oy, the company that manufactures
Vuokkoset products.

Gender-neutral period products acknowledge non-binary individuals

Tampon for Men highlighted the fact that menstruation can affect men as well. With a similar
gender neutral design, the new 'For Menstruation' product line is even more inclusive and aims
to expand the conversation about menstruation to include non-binary individuals as well.

"Some people who menstruate do not identify as women. They can be men, non-binary, or
intersex. On the other hand, not all individuals who identify as women experience menstruation,
and that does not make them any less women. We want to highlight this diversity of menstruation
and gender," says Sanna Karhu.

"Understanding of gender is continually evolving. Companies and organizations have no excuse
to ignore scientific research on gender diversity. The world is changing, and businesses must
change with it. This is another step in the right direction," says DEI consultant Dakota Robin.

For Menstruation product family will have tampons as well as underwear liners and menstrual
pads, which were included based on feedback. It will be available in retail stores throughout
Finland in June 2024. 

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