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Á propos The Traveling Picture Show Company

The Traveling Picture Show Company (theTPSC) is a top Los Angeles based commercial production company with a proven record of successfully creating and delivering exceptional visual content to our clients. Our award winning directors represent the best in live action commercials from experiential and comedy, to cars, sports, pets, dialogue, lifestyle, aerial, landscape, docu, and tabletop.
Find us at www.thetpsc.com. 323-769-1115. info@thetpsc.com. 

Dernières actus


Visual storyteller bolsters TPSC’s directorial roster 

LOS ANGELES, CA – The Traveling Picture Show Company welcomes the addition of director Rich Wafer for exclusive representation.

View reel here.

Wafer joins the TPSC roster having recently directed a spot for M&T Bank featuring Baltimore Ravens Quarterback Joe Flacco. Best known for his conversational interviewing style, Wafer has produced and directed content for advertising, television programming, and branded entertainment. His experience and passion lie in telling the stories of real people from celebrities and athletes to less known individuals across the Unites States.

Wafer’s recent list of clients include work for IHOP, Gold Bond, Merck, Eli Lilly, Pfizer and Wendy’s. His celebrity portfolio includes actors and athletes ranging from Tim McGraw to Terry Bradshaw.

Wafer joins TPSC this fall increasing its directorial roster to eight. "I’m always looking to be a problem solver and execute at the highest level for the client. Dawn and the team at TPSC seemed the perfect fit.” 

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