The AdForum PHNX Tribute

Over the past 20 years AdForum has existed to celebrate advertising creativity. One of its founding pillars is its partnership with agencies and awards shows around the world. It acts as both as a promoter of talent and an archive for creative excellence.


Despite the current crisis, we believe that our industry still needs to celebrate creativity, and that as a symbol of resilience and respect for our community, the best work of the last 12 months deserves to be seen and recognized. 


This is why we’ve launched the AdForum PHNX: a one-off, entirely free-to-enter online celebration. Entries open on May 18 and the jury will vote from June 12 to 26. Winners will be announced and honored on July 9 in an online event. 


If you wish to lend you support as an entrant, a sponsor, a juror, or just by spreading the word, please see the site here:


We are asking agencies, freelancers, brands and production companies to enter their best work into a carefully distilled selection of categories. A top-notch jury of creative leaders, experts and opinion formers will vote on the entries in a spirit of unity and generosity.


Our aim is to try to lift the spirits of the industry and put creativity back in the spotlight – where it belongs. 

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