Kevin Moehlenkamp
Responsable de la création at Hill Holliday
Boston, Etats-Unis
TitreRealizing Potential -- Fiona
Campagne Realizing Potential - Microsoft
Annonceur Microsoft
Marque Microsoft
Date de première diffusion/publication 2004 / 1
Secteur d'activité Logiciels, production multimédia
Slogan Your Potential. Our Passion.
Synopsis “You can be anything you want to be” – an insight that is true around the world, especially when it comes to children. It’s with that inspiration that Microsoft’s heartwarming “Fiona” spot was conceived.  Microsoft’s passion for technology helps children grow to achieve their desires, their dreams and ultimately realize their potential.
Philosophie We needed to move people from brand skeptics to brand advocates by driving positive shifts in Microsoft brand perceptions and overall favorability.

We accomplished this by realizing that motives matter. All of our targets shared some level of skepticism about Microsoft. What they needed to believe was that Microsoft is motivated by and passionate about human potential and that Microsoft sees software as a powerful tool to help people realize their potential.
Problème While Microsoft is held in high esteen around product innovation, people do not have an emotional bond with the brand. With an evolving marketplace towards services and not just product, brand values became more of an important driver in favorability and purchase intent.
Type de média Télévision
Marché Etats-Unis
Directeur de création
Directeur de création
Concepteur / rédacteur
Directeur artistique
Directeur de la création
Directeur de clientèle

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