Oriol Villar
Executive Creative Director at Oriol Villar
Barcelona, Espagne
Titre (langue originale)Amunt
Campagne Sponsorship FC Valencia
Annonceur S.A. Damm
Marque Estrella Damm
Mise en ligneMars 2008
Produit Sponsorship FC Valencia
Secteur d'activité Bières, cidres
Slogan Amunt
Synopsis The project that Estrella Damm's ad agency, Villarrosás, took on at the end of 2007 was to communicate that from now on Estrella Damm was FC Valencia's sponsor. However, the club's situation at the time demanded a much louder statement. We had to deliver a relevant message to the fans, to tell them what we thought about the situation and to say that we were here to stay. So Estrella Damm sent out a powerful message to all Valencia fans - from their very own mouths - by shouting 'Rise up!'.
Type de média Télévision
Marché Espagne
Maison de production
Sociéte de création sonore
Producteur, agence
Directeur de clientèle
Directeur artistique
Directeur de la photo
Producteur, maison de production
Directeur de création
Post production

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