Paulo Ribeiro
Directeur artistique at AlmapBBDO
São Paulo, Brésil
Titre (langue originale)Cegonha
Campagne Stork
Annonceur Volkswagen
Marque Volkswagen Tiguan
Date de première diffusion/publication 2018 / 7
Secteur d'activité Voitures
Synopsis Stork," the campaign film for the new Tiguan Allspace, presents a touching portrait of a young family spending time together. During an outing, from the moment they get on the road until they get back into town, a stork follows them around, getting the father''s attention. While all this is happening, viewers can check out the technological innovations in the Tiguan Allspace – such as when the mother activates the exclusive Cognitive Manual with Artificial Intelligence via voice command to find out more about the car''s features, or when the father, his hands full of purchases, opens the trunk by moving his feet to trigger the sensor for the Easy Open system, available in the R-Line model. Other Tiguan Allspace features also make an appearance in the family''s interactions, including the Active Info Display, the 350 Nm TSI engine, Park Assist 3.0, and Pedestrian Recognition, which brakes automatically when it detects people or animals suddenly crossing in front of the new Tiguan Allspace. The film closes with the stork landing in the middle of the street once they''re back in town. The Pedestrian Recognition feature is activated and the vehicle brakes for the bird, which lifts up a bundle with its beak in an allusion to the arrival of a new baby. The wife smiles, understands, and looks at her husband, who is caught by surprise but pleased. In the next scene the family is back in the car, now with twin babies and their grandmother, having filled up all seven seats in the Tiguan Allspace. The commercial closes out with the concept: "A new Volkswagen is born. The Tiguan Allspace: a new car, a New Volkswagen." The spot comes in 90, 60, and 30-second versions.
Type de média Télévision
Directeur de la création
Directeur de création
Equipe créative
Equipe créative
Directeur de la photo
Directeur artistique
Producteur exécutif
Post production
Illustration 3D
Production du son
Compositeur de musique
Responsable client
Responsable client
Responsable client
Responsable client
Responsable client
Responsable client
Responsable client
Directeur média
Directeur média
Directeur média
Directeur média
Directeur média
Responsable de la publicité (annonceur)
Responsable de la publicité (annonceur)
Responsable de la publicité (annonceur)
Responsable de la publicité (annonceur)
Responsable de la publicité (annonceur)
Responsable de la publicité (annonceur)
Responsable de la publicité (annonceur)

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