Rafael Paulino
Concepteur / rédacteur at Fields360
Natal, Brésil
Campagne Child labor
Annonceur Ministério Público do Trabalho
Marque Ministério Público do Trabalho
Mise en ligneOctobre 2016
Secteur d'activité Associations d'information et de lutte contre la maladie
Slogan Child labor. If you don't speak up, it doesn't stop.
Synopsis In Brazil, millions of children are employed in menial, labour intensive jobs. They work at construction sites and factories. They sweep homes and streets. They work long hours. Often for very little money. They do not get the chance to run around, play, go to school or hang out with friends. They spend their days working and they don’t have things to play with. Unfortunately they spend their whole time with tools like hammers and pliers. The client wanted to help the children by giving them what every child deserves: a future. MPT asked us to help in creating a cost effective communication to solve the issue.
Type de média Presse & publications
Directeur de création
Concepteur / rédacteur
Concepteur / rédacteur
Directeur artistique
Responsable de budget agence
Directeur artistique
Concepteur / rédacteur

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