Fredrick Aven
Directeur artistique at UNIT9
London, Royaume-Uni
Titre360 Walkthrough
Campagne Bedtime VR Stories
Annonceur Samsung
Marque Samsung
Date de première diffusion/publication 2016 / 5
Secteur d'activité Téléphones mobiles & tablettes
Philosophie Brief:As one of the world’s leading companies, Samsung helps to shape the future with ideas and technologies. But sometimes the rapid and constant pace of technological development can leave people feeling cold and like it’s not relevant to them.
With this in mind, Samsung came to BBH with a brief to raise awareness and brand loyalty amongst millennials.
Strategy:Fundamentally, Samsung believes that technology should bring people together, not drive us apart. BBH placed this at the core of their strategy to engage millennials. The task was to build on Samsung’s expertise to facilitate and enhance human interaction for the millennial generation.
Creative Idea:Our creative idea came from the insight that a third of parents can’t be with their children at bedtime to read them a story. Building on Samsung’s expertise in VR, we were able to create Bedtime VR Stories, which allows parents and children to share a story, even when they’re apart, so it’s no longer “once upon a time” but rather “happily ever after”.
The app provides a VR story environment where parents and children can see and interact with each other. This is created using a combination of VR and VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) for an immersive, shared experience.
The story itself sees the parent and child transported to a fantastical world. With both sat on a magical bed, they go in search of ‘The most wonderful place to be’. It’s a journey that takes them from the bedroom to three magical places. First stop is the Arctic, in the company of Jen the Penguin. Next, Dan the Dinosaur takes us to meet the rest of his family in a pre-historic world. Finally, they fly into outer space with Robot Jo, for a musical finale.
In each new world the child can explore and interact with their surroundings. And like all the best stories, this not only has a happy ending but a moral too, as we discover that wherever we go, the most wonderful place to be is actually by each other’s side, making children aware of the importance of home and family. 
Type de média Digital
Marché Royaume-Uni
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3D Artist
3D Artist
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