Michael Middleton
Réalisateur at Jump Films
Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud
Campagne Reflections
Annonceur The Carbon Trust
Marque Reducing Carbon Emissions
Mise en ligneAvril 2005
Secteur d'activité Questions environnementales
Slogan Working with businesses to reduce carbon emissions
Synopsis The theme of business taking responsibility for its actions is at the heart of this television commercial. The TV campaign uses the example of Robert Oppenheimer, father of the A bomb, who famously acknowledged his responsibility for a potentially world destroying activity.
Philosophie The single minded proposition is for the audience to accept responsibility and take action.
Problème To overcome the apathy of businesses in recognising that climate change is a business issue.
Résultat The campaign achieved an overall recall of 67% amongst target audiences with the primary message perceived as 'climate change is a business issue'.
38% of all audiences are significantly or slightly more likely to take action.
Type de média Télévision
Marché Royaume-Uni
Directeur de clientèle
Directeur de création
Post production

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