Rob Hoover
Réalisateur at Marsha Hunt Productions
Canoga Park, Etats-Unis
Campagne Newsstand
Annonceur Fox Broadcasting Company
Marque Fox MLB
Mise en ligneNovembre 2008
Produit NLCS (National League Championship Series)
Secteur d'activité Programmes et chaînes de TV et radio
Synopsis Led by Fox Sports Creative Director Rob Hoover, the team built a practical newsstand and street corner set on a green screen stage, creating a world where headlines change, covers suddenly animate, and players burst from the confines of the printed page as an entire Newsstand comes to life.
Philosophie As Eight VFX was finishing their effects shots, Fox Sports Kirk Smith cut the spot to the music of The Killers "When You Were Young", and Fox's Jay Hayes created the sound design that brought this surreal journey to the Fall Classic to life...
Problème With only two weeks to post the spot after the shoot, Eight VFX modeled, animated and composited all explosions and paper effects, integrating rotoscoped players into all angles of the meticulously matched in-camera plates. Fox Sports Flame Designer Thomas Downs stalked the streets of Hollywood during the midnight hours capturing backgrounds he used to seamlessly merge the stand into its realistic environment.
Type de média Télévision
Marché Etats-Unis
Bande son When You Were Young
Directeur de création
EVP Marketing, Fox Sports
Sociéte de création sonore
Flame Compositing
Directeur de création
Directeur artistique
Effets spéciaux
Directeur de la photo
Maison de production
Magazine Designer
Producteur exécutif
3D Supervisor
Producteur, maison de production
VFX Supervisor

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