Marcelo Rizerio
Directeur artistique at Euphoria Creative
São Paulo, Brésil
TitreBlack Characters (Short version)
Campagne Black Characters
Annonceur Pestana Arte & Publicações
Marque Raça Magazine
Mise en ligneJuin 2022
Secteur d'activité Journaux, magazines, livres
Synopsis In Brazil, 54% of the population is black, while 82.2% of congressmen and 84% of journalists at the biggest newspapers are white.
Problème To occupy spaces in public opinion, Raça Magazine, the largest publication on Afro Culture in Brazil, rethought the use of the most influential social network. Twitter has a limit of 280 characters. But the average characters used per tweet is 33. Which means: there are 247 characters to be occupied by a black voice. Black Characters is a collaborative tool that completes your tweet in real time, filling in the unused characters with a black reference related to the content being written. It includes 25 years of Raça’s publications and allows the black community to co-create the database by including new content.
Type de média Etude de cas
Responsable de la publicité (annonceur)
Responsable de la publicité (annonceur)
Responsable de la création
Directeur de la création
Directeur de la création
Creative and Innovation Director
Directeur de création associé
Directeur de création
Directeur artistique
Concepteur / rédacteur
Art Director Assistant
Content Team
Content Team
Content Team
Content Team
Responsable de la stratégie
Chief Growth Officer
Equipe média
Equipe média
Equipe média
VP Account Director
Chef de projet
Chef de projet
Maison de production
Motion Designer & Editor
Production du son
Production du son
Production du son
Musical Producer

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