Guillaume Genest
Concepteur / rédacteur at 32 Mars
Quebec, Canada
TitreOperation Panda
Campagne Operation Panda - Sushi Taxi
Annonceur Sushi Taxi
Marque Sushi Taxi
Date de première diffusion/publication 2010 / 5
Secteur d'activité Chaînes de fast-food & de restaurants
Philosophie Because of the low interest of the population about the Bluefin Tuna problem, we decided to use the image of an animal that most of the people care about, the panda, and match it to the subject. With this action, we wanted to the audience know that:
"The Bluefin Tuna is threatened to disappear, if he was as cute as a panda, would you still eat it?"

On may 17th, 16 pandas went in the streets of Quebec city to defend the Bluefin Tuna to spread one message: No to Bluefin Tuna.
Problème To raise awareness of the population about the critical situation of the Bluefin Tuna and inform them that since January 1st 2010, Sushi Taxi has banned all Bluefin Tunas from its restaurants.
Résultat Lots of medias (newspaper, website and radio) talked about the campaign and the message behind it. The campaign was a huge success and the population reacted very well to the presence of pandas in Québec city.
Type de média Evènements
Directeur de création
Directeur artistique
Concepteur / rédacteur

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