Roi Ricci
Réalisateur at Rebolución
Miami, Etats-Unis
TitreMade for You: Imperfectly Perfect (Spanish)
Titre (langue originale)Igual Te Quiero: Imperfectamente Perfectos
Campagne Made for You
Annonceur Finca las Moras
Marque Alma Mora
Date de première diffusion/publication 2014 / 12
Secteur d'activité Vins fins et champagnes
Slogan Imperfectly Perfect
Slogan (langue originale) Imperfectamente Perfectos
Synopsis “Made For You: Imperfectly Perfect” shows what happens to couples when they live together and reality sets in. The spot features a couple who sing “I was made for loving you, baby” as they witness the annoying habits of each other – from leaving dirty clothes on the floor, being indecisive on what to wear and therefore causing them to be late, to excessive video playing.
Type de média Télévision
Marché Etats-Unis
Bande son I Was Made for Loving You, Baby
General Creative Director
General Creative Director
Group Account Director
Chef de groupe
Maison de production
Sociéte de création sonore
Maison de production Happy Together

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