Fernando Livschitz
Réalisateur at BIgfoot Films
TitreCan't Wait to Winter (Global)
Campagne Can’t Wait to Winter
Annonceur The Department of Culture and Tourism Abu Dhabi
Marque The Department of Culture and Tourism Abu Dhabi
Date de première diffusion/publication 2023 / 11
Secteur d'activité Destinations (Pays & Lieux)
Synopsis As for the fourth stage, a non-celebrity global film follows the story of a family whose clothes similarly make a run for it, excited to enjoy the fun themselves. This final rendition of the creative concept sees the clothes breaking free to explore Abu Dhabi, as the family plays a wildly enjoyable game of catch-up.
Philosophie After declaring to the world that ‘One Summer Isn’t Enough’, the Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi is putting itself on the map as an ultimate winter sun destination. While winter in the West means grey skies and duller days, Abu Dhabi offers holiday-goers the chance to free their fairer-weather favourites from storage boxes everywhere. Abu Dhabi invites them shake off the winter blues and do what they rarely imagine doing this time of year – get excited to winter. Whereas for regional markets, excitement and winter go hand in hand. After long, slow summers, Abu Dhabi’s neighbours can’t wait for winter. By turning ‘winter’ into a verb, the campaign makes it an active season, embodying the spirit the capital wants to embrace. And so, the campaign kicks off with a series of whimsical films in four stages, produced by Dejavu. Each brings this excitement to life in full force, following the adventures of packed outfits as they actively escape their owners after arrival. With so much anticipation in the air, even these animated clothes ‘Can’t Wait to Winter’ in Abu Dhabi. Even a packed line-up of films such as this showcases just the tip of the excitement iceberg in store for visitors this winter. One thing’s for sure, winter in Abu Dhabi has us on the edge of our seats.
Type de média Télévision
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