Tristan Parker
Interactive producer at L'Araignée
Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
TitreNike Fuelband SE Installation
Campagne Nike Fuelband SE Installation
Annonceur Nike
Marque Nike Fuelband SE
Date de première diffusion/publication 2013
Secteur d'activité Équipement de sports & loisirs
Slogan Motivated. Everywhere. All the time.
Slogan (langue originale) Motivé. Partout. Tout le temps.
Synopsis Promoting the launch the new Fuelband SE, Random Studio worked closely with the Nike Brand team to develop a custom installation piece for the Colette fashion house in Paris. The challenge was to generate excitement and intrigue for Colette, while highlighting the enhancements of the new Fuelband SE.
Nike approached Random Studio to deliver the project in just over thee weeks. Realising the limitations of the timeframe, the installation drew from previous executions & case studies to deliver something that guaranteed performance as well as ‘wow' (and educate) passers-by.
The final result was a collaboration with lighting specialists Jurlights and production company L'Araignée to construct a high intensity RGB LED infinity tunnel. LED strips were chosen to deliver stunning, eye catching animations which were developed in house. MadMapper was used to output video directly onto the LED strips, enabling a quick workflow to test and preview animations live on the sculpture.
Type de média Ambient
Marché Pays-Bas
Creative Technologist
Maison de production L'Araignée
Chef éclairagiste Jurlights

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