Alex Coxhill
Creative Services Director at Atomic London
London, Royaume-Uni
TitreWhat a Wonderful Will
Campagne Remember A Charity In Your Will Week
Annonceur Remember A Charity
Marque Remember A Charity
Date de première diffusion/publication 2017 / 9
Secteur d'activité Associations caritatives, fondations, volontariat
Philosophie Remember A Charity begins its 2017 Awareness Week campaign (11-17th September) with the launch of Last Pirate FM, a new pirate radio station that is travelling the nation, hosted by legendary pirate DJ Emperor Rosko.
Problème Remember A Charity Week is an annual awareness week designed to encourage more people to consider leaving a gift to charity when writing a Will.
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Producteur, agence
Directeur de clientèle
Group Account Director
Managing Planning Partner
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Equipe créative
Equipe créative
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