Joe Roberts
Directeur artistique at Firecracker Films
Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
TitreAt the centre of the action
Campagne At the centre of the action
Annonceur Royal Air Force
Marque RAF
Date de première diffusion/publication 2022 / 9
Secteur d'activité Recrutement des fonctionnaires, de la police et de l'armée
Philosophie The Royal Air Force (RAF) has released an immersive VR film created by Engine that allows potential new recruits to experience what a role in the Royal Air Force is really like. The high-intensity 360-degree film offers an insight into life in the RAF from a range of first-hand perspectives, all from a mobile or tablet and without the need for a VR headset. The viewer is placed at the centre of an RAF humanitarian operation, and the tension and jeopardy build as the mission intensifies. For added interactivity and adventure, the user is given control of the experience at key moments via a bespoke browser-based 360 video player developed by Engine. The user can look around a slow-motion scene in the midst of the operation, seeing which personnel and equipment are involved, and learn key facts about them. The 60-second film was made by Engine using state-of-the-art 360-degree cameras, enabling a three-dimensional effect from a first-person perspective. The experience showcases how the different branches of the RAF work together to complete a humanitarian mission while demonstrating the diversity of roles and opportunities available within the RAF. The film will be used at RAF recruitment events, trade shows and on the RAF website, with the purpose of bringing the complexities of the RAF to life
Type de média Digital
Post production
Head of Film
Directeur de création
Directeur artistique
Directeur artistique
Head of Creative Technology
Senior Creative Technologist
Responsable de la stratégie
Planning Team
Planning Team
Direction commerciale/Conseil client
Direction commerciale/Conseil client
Responsable de la production
Maison de production
Directeur de la photo
Post production
Post-production Supervisor
Producteur son
Sound Engineer

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