Nadia Nahhas
Responsable de budget agence at J. Walter Thompson Dubai
Dubai, Emirats Arabes Unis
Campagne Inklusion
Annonceur LBCI
Marque LBCI
Date de première diffusion/publication 2016 / 11
Secteur d'activité Programmes et chaînes de TV et radio
Synopsis The film starts with several old veterans telling their story, how the war started and how they reacted to it, firstly. Then speak about how their dreams and ambitions were destroyed. After that, it shows the tattoo artist covering up their old militia tattoos.At the end it shows the new tattoos on the veterans' chest with the Inklusion logo.
We reached NGO's related with the civil war and provide life support for the veterans, and asked around about old veterans who would be able to talk about their ordeal and experience, and be able to express what they went through. We put printed-ad posts in the main Lebanese big publications, as we were scouting for the eligible old militia veterans. We managed to achieve two old veterans from the catholic side, from different militia groups, ad one from the Muslim group. A lot of people wanted to contribute and talk about their experience, but they were scared to share and let out the information, to the point that one our interviewees asked to keep his face hidden.
Type de média Télévision
Directeur de création
Directeur de création
Directeur de la création
Responsable de la production
Chef de projet
Directeur artistique
Regional Creative Director
Directeur artistique
Head of PR
Director of Public Relations
Producteur, agence
Maison de production
Responsable de budget agence

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