Laurie Messina
Equipe créative at McCann Worldgroup
New York, Etats-Unis
TitreEven More Drama
BriefIn the second year of their effort to get more Americans to take control of their health, the TV doctors need to up the ante. So they introduce scandalous romance, dramatic pauses – and bizarre plot twists. “Dad!” exclaims TV doc Patrick Dempsey when he recognises one of his patients. But you can spare yourself from drama by getting a regular check-up from a REAL doctor.
Campagne The TV Doctors of America
Annonceur CIGNA
Marque CIGNA
Mise en ligneNovembre 2017
Secteur d'activité Hygiène, soins & parapharmacie
Synopsis Last year, Cigna and The TV Doctors of America helped get a whole lot of people to go in for their annual checkup. But their mission continues. Everyone’s favorite TV doctors want even more Americans to start taking control of their health. So this year, they’re upping the ante. Because like any successful medical series, season two of The TV Doctors of America promises to have one thing: Even. More. Drama. After all, no one knows more about drama than a TV Doctor, but they also know you can avoid drama getting an annual checkup.
Type de média Télévision
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Concepteur / rédacteur
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Directeur artistique
Directeur de création
Directeur de création
Directeur artistique
Concepteur / rédacteur
Directeur artistique
Concepteur / rédacteur
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Maison de production
Responsable de la création
Telecine Company
Associate Project Manager
Chef de projet
Editorial Company Executive Producer Cut + Run
Assistant Monteur
Director of Project Management
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Directeur de clientèle
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Producteur exécutif
SVP Account Director
Directeur de création groupe
Concepteur / rédacteur
Chief Production Officer
Executive Integrated Producer
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Integrated Producer
Executive Music Producer
Group Account Director
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Associate Social Director
Senior Art Director
Global Account Director
Assistant Account Executive

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