Laura Deknock
Digital Strategy at mortierbrigade
Brussels, Belgique
TitreDon't be the present he's waiting for 2
Titre (langue originale)Fêtes de fin d'année : ne lui faites pas de cadeaux !
Campagne Don't Let Him Win
Annonceur Brussels Mobility
Marque Brussels Mobility
Date de première diffusion/publication 2021 / 12
Secteur d'activité Sécurité Routière
Philosophie Further to the success of the first campaign, mortierbrigade and Brussels Mobility are bringing Baudouin back in a hard-hitting ad that aims to raise awareness in people aged 18-30 about the risks of driving under the influence as the end-of-year celebrations approach. This time we discover Baudouin, the king of predictions, in his holiday home. In an online ad lasting 90 seconds, he explains in detail why he loves the end-of-year holidays. The complicated weather conditions and the numerous opportunities to drink to excess increase the risk of having an accident. And that, of course, is what makes him happy. The campaign encourages young people not to let him win by offering concrete solutions to avoid driving under the influence, such as staying overnight, taking a taxi or taking public transport to get home. 5 YouTube pre-rolls are also on the programme. They adapt to the behaviour of internet users. If the person skips the first pre-roll, they will get another pre-roll in which Baudouin is offended that nobody took the trouble to listen to him. The more they skip, the more nervous Baudouin becomes. A WhatsApp campaign invites all young people who want to have a good time over the holidays to add Baudouin on WhatsApp. Throughout the month of December, he will send them tips in the form of videos, gifs and messages as a humorous reminder not to get behind the wheel when under the influence. Subscribe here to receive the messages. The campaign doesn’t stop there. In partnership with the start-up Fline, mortierbrigade and Brussels Mobility have developed a photo booth that has an integrated breathalyser test. It will be installed in the biggest bars in the capital. To get their photo, the people will have to do a breathalyser test. That way they can find out whether or not they are positive, and how much time they need to wait before safely driving again, or else order a taxi straight away. In partnership with the STIB, posters on the back of buses and in tram and subway stations will complete the campaign. The aim is for it to reach as many people in Brussels as possible.
Type de média Médias sociaux
Responsable de la publicité (annonceur)
Responsable de la publicité (annonceur)
Directeur de la création
Brand Design Director
Equipe créative
Equipe créative
Business & strategic planner
Lead Producer
Digital Strategic Planner
Social Lead
Senior Media Strategist
Social Creative
Digital Business Manager
Chef de projet digital
UX Designer
Cross Media Designer
Maison de production
Producteur exécutif
Producteur délégué
Directeur de la photo
Production du son
Digital Production Company

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