
375 Hudson Street, Floor 9
New York NY 10014
Téléphone: +1 312 696 5000


Autres compétences: Agence digitale, Marketing relationnel/CRM/PRM/e-CRM, Design/Packaging

Fondée en: 1995

Awards: 1


375 Hudson Street, Floor 9
New York NY 10014
Téléphone: +1 312 696 5000
Melissa  Dorko (Fostyk)

Melissa Dorko (Fostyk)

Senior Director Business Development

A propos de l'agence Razorfish

SapientRazorfish is a new breed of transformation partner designed to help companies reimagine their business through radical customer-centricity. With more than 12,000 employees and 70 offices around the globe, our capabilities span growth and business model strategy, new product and service innovation, customer experience, enterprise digital transformation, IT modernization, omni-channel commerce, precision marketing, change management, digital operations, digital innovation, data strategy and advanced analytics.


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