
545 East John Carpenter Freeway Suite 1700
Dallas Texas 75062
Téléphone: 972 444 9000


Fondée en: 1939

Awards: 5

Ackerman McQueen, Inc.

545 East John Carpenter Freeway Suite 1700
Dallas Texas 75062
Téléphone: 972 444 9000

Kirsten Sanger

Brand Architecture I Client Management I Team Leadership

A propos de l'agence Ackerman McQueen, Inc.

Ackerman McQueen is equal parts production studio, digital shop, media company and business consultant. We create customized video programming and digital platforms that reach targeted audiences and maximize the influence of our clients’ brands.

Our company’s 75+ year history began in the days of traditional advertising, but has evolved to meet modern demands. In the 1990s, we became pioneers on the leading edge of video streaming technology, and we’ve remained there ever since.

Today we have 225+ employees, five offices located in Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Dallas, Colorado Springs, and Washington, D.C., and an average client tenure of twelve years. We are a full-service, in-house agency dedicated to moving our clients and our business toward the future. 

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