
150 Pico Boulevard
Santa Monica California 90405
Téléphone: 310 458-2000


Fondée en: 2000

Effectif: 61

Kastner & Partners Network

150 Pico Boulevard
Santa Monica California 90405
Téléphone: 310 458-2000

A propos de Kastner & Partners Network

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Philosophie et positionnement concurrentiel
Kastner & Partners is a truly independent, truly international, network of advertising agencies. There aren't many of us left. The reason we've hung on to our independence so fervently is simple: it enables us to operate without holding companies and shareholders breathing down our neck. Our sole responsibility is to our people and our clients. And that, we firmly believe, is the only way to ensure that the ideas and recommendations we offer to those clients are always in the best intest of their brand, not ours. In 2000 Kastner & Partners opened in America. And although we have offices in Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles and New York, we like to think of ourselves as a single agency that just happens to be in four cities. A single agency, because we function seamlessly. In four cities, so we can stay in touch with local markets and be close to all our clients, no matter where they are based. We have no grandiose plans of becoming a behemoth agency. Oh, we want to win clients, of course. Particularly smart innovative brands. But we want to stay small enough to ensure that we maintain the focus and excellence these clients deserve.
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