
725 Florida Ave S.
Minneapolis Minnesota 55426
Téléphone: 763-548-2297


Autres compétences: Marketing Médias sociaux, E-Commerce, Design web, Brand Content, Marketing Technologies / Analytics, Branding/Celebrity endorsement, Consommateur

Fondée en: 2010

Effectif: 26

Awards: 3

Snap Agency

725 Florida Ave S.
Minneapolis Minnesota 55426
Téléphone: 763-548-2297

A propos de Snap Agency

Snap Agency is a Minneapolis-based digital marketing agency that partners with B2B and B2C businesses to optimize leads, sales and brand growth. Our mission is to provide maximal ROI in everything we do. Our clients range from well-funded startups and publicly traded enterprises to non-profits. What they have in common is a shared value system that matches our own—and goals related to brand growth and ROI.

Though there are many facets to what we do, our most common services include the following: Business/Brand Strategy, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), PPC/SEM, E-commerce, Social Media Marketing, Web Design, Web Development, Email Marketing and PR. Our acquisition of other agencies and internal hiring practices endow us with a versatile team that can provide these many skills without the high prices set by larger agencies.

Above all, we're committed to cultural growth and maintaining our status as one of the Best Places to Work since 2016 


Philosophie et positionnement concurrentiel

Snap delivers results driven strategies to achieve business goals. We like working with clients that:

1. Have measurable goals (sales, leads, conversions or cost of acquisition.)

2. Have budgets to support goals.

3. Have reasonable desired time lines for accomplishing goals.

4. Are a good cultural fit (is the client who we want to work with and are we the agency the client wants to work with). 

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