
42 , 90 Street, Fifth Settlement, 11511, new Cairo
Cairo 11511
Téléphone: +201001608645


Autres compétences: Marketing Services

Fondée en: 2010

Effectif: 50

Hive Innovative Group

42 , 90 Street, Fifth Settlement, 11511, new Cairo
Cairo 11511
Téléphone: +201001608645

A propos de l'agence Hive Innovative Group

Hive Innovative Group is the hometown of innovative creative solutions in MENA. It is one of the most diversified owners-managed agency groups in Egypt & Middle East, founded in 2010 as a digital advertising agency. Hive’s diversified talents and specialties are all gathered under the umbrella of digital communication and technology; serving the purpose of powerful campaigns with recent technological tools. At HIVE, everybody acts in a Beehive harmony forming a unique digital fully integrated group model in MENA.


Anglais, Allemand, Arabe
Philosophie et positionnement concurrentiel

Since 2012, HIVE had become one of the first communication agency to venture into the growing digital market and had also adjusted to the requirements of the future in the area of CG. Today, the additional corporate brands within the Group –, – also rank among the market leaders in their respective competitive environments. Together, all HIVE group companies at our offices in Cairo & Dubai with more than 50 employees whose work regularly creates award winning projects nationally and internationally. 

Description du réseau

Digital partner for Hypokeimenon GmbH, Schaller und Partner AG & Peix GmbH in Germany, Serviceplan ME & outloud media in Dubai, TBWA Full stop & PG integrated in Saudi Arabia

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