
3300 NE 192nd street
Miami Florida 33180


Autres compétences: Agence digitale, Marketing opérationnel/Promotion/Activation Point de Vente, Brand Content, Etudes de marché / consulting, Marketing Technologies / Analytics, Développement / innovation / marques, Stratégie et planning

Fondée en: 2015

Effectif: 10

Clients: 4

La Palapa

3300 NE 192nd street
Miami Florida 33180

A propos de l'agence La Palapa

INNOVATION HOUSE / Strategic Communication for stressed brands.


Anglais, Espagnol
Philosophie et positionnement concurrentiel

We live in a noisy world. Often too chaotic and stressful to seek solutions for the business problems we face every day. To offer our clients new and original solutions, we decided to walk away from those distractions.

We created an agency to help brands be culturally relevant, to be a part of the social conversation, add value for consumers and grow their business through creativity and innovation.

We believe that the most creative ideas come once when we disconnect from the world, just like when we relax under a Palapa gazing at the sea. 

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