
53 Upton Street
Quincy Massachusetts 02169-1120
Téléphone: 617 803-1274


Autres compétences: Publicité/Communication intégrée, Marketing opérationnel/Promotion/Activation Point de Vente, Développement / innovation / marques, Design/Packaging, Autres, Santé, B to B, Institutionnel/Service Public/Associatif, Distribution, Consommateur, Multiculturel, Américains d'origine asiatique, Seniors

Fondée en: 1995

Awards: 5

Créations: 4

Clients: 4

PowerFlite Communications

53 Upton Street
Quincy Massachusetts 02169-1120
Téléphone: 617 803-1274

Fred Frankfort

Senior Copywriter/Producer

Linda Riley

Media Planner & Buyer

Greg Robertson

Principal & Creative Director

Téléphone: 617 803-1274

Gloria Selah

Sr. Art Director Production Guru

Patricia Springer

Research Director

Guenther Weiden

Associate Creative Director

A propos de PowerFlite Communications

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Philosophie et positionnement concurrentiel
Not your traditional ad agency, PowerFlite provides clients with great work by pros who have decades of major brand experience (Bic, Michelin, Blue Cross, GE, Pepsi, Logitech, Virgin, etc.) without the usual annoyances of working with an ad agency. We're there when you need big talent to do the work right, but leave you alone when you have other things to do. After all, when you hire PowerFlite, what you want most is great creative work. Lead by Principal and Creative Director Greg Robertson, the PowerFlite team offers decades of proven expertise and experience from strategic development through creative executions of radio, TV, print, collateral, direct mail, and web work. Visit now to learn more about how we can help YOUR brand Fly Higher. See you there.
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