
13 Mount Stuart Square
Cardiff CF10 5EE
Téléphone: 02920 251255


Fondée en: 2013

Effectif: 5

Storm & Shelter

13 Mount Stuart Square
Cardiff CF10 5EE
Téléphone: 02920 251255

A propos de Storm & Shelter

Storm & Shelter is a content production company; a close-knit troop of video production specialists who work together and collaborate with agencies, labels, brands and broadcasters to consult, create and deliver effective video content that’s politely stuffed into people’s eyes and ears.

We emerged together from the fiery embers of a number of stressful-yet-successful™ collaborative projects in 2013, and since starting the company, we haven’t looked back. Whilst our collective sense of humour may indeed be questionable, we like to think our work speaks for itself.

In the 3 years that we’ve been (professionally) arsing around with cameras, we’ve made friends with big brands like BT, H&M and Yamaha whilst helping them to communicate their messages to the world, had the pleasure of delivering TV and online campaigns for a plethora of businesses and charities, and stretched our creative muscles by crafting beautiful music videos with some crazy-talented signed and unsigned artists.

We promise you two things - we create beautiful videos, and we’ll make you laugh. Unless you’re a grump, in which case you’ll have to make do with just the videos. 


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