Alpen Pictures

Los Angeles, Etats-Unis


Los Angeles CA 90036
Téléphone: (310) 729-2772


Alpen Pictures

Los Angeles CA 90036
Téléphone: (310) 729-2772

A propos de Alpen Pictures

ALPEN PICTURES is the next generation creative & production services company. A brand new venture helmed by the youngest veterans of the entertainment industry. Over the last few years the founders have cut their teeth developing and producing content for platforms, brands, and music labels such as FUNNY OR DIE, SOUL PANCAKE, PARTICIPANT MEDIA, FIAT, PEPSI, CAPITOL RECORDS, SONY, & UNIVERSAL. Collaborating with the likes of SETH ROGEN, WILL FERRELL, ADAM DEVINE, DAVE FRANCO, KEVIN HART, SASHA PIETERSE, and BRIE LARSON (just to name a few). Alpen is a trend setting, forward thinking, production company aimed at creating opportunity in the most enriched, diverse, and exciting media landscape in entertainment history.
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