
Sao Paulo SP 05004000
Téléphone: +551138050538


Fondée en: 2010

Effectif: 10


Sao Paulo SP 05004000
Téléphone: +551138050538

A propos de Bolha

To boldly do what no one has done before 

Combining cutting-edge technology and creation is our bread and butter. We create products and unique interactive experiences, customized to attend all the client needs to touch the audience on a deeper level than conventional advertisements.

Internet of Things. Wearables. Virtual reality. Digital Installations. 3D printing. We speak the language of geeks and creatives. More than providing solutions, we are co-authors of our projects, participating in the process,from briefing to final product.

Hardware & Software, Real & Virtual. Our projects combine the best of both worlds creating a unique experience. A glass that toasts via Facebook, a mask that glows when someone that matsch yourt interests is near you, the vending machine that tease who wants to buy a chocolate. All designed to make your marketing actions most useful and fun.

We have clients from various industries such as advertising, events, automotive, health, drink and food. We searched endlessly to offer them the opportunity to turn innovative ideas into reality. In our five years of life, we created more than 100 inovative projects and remarkable experiences, giving a taste of the future to brands and events. 


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