Mary Sue Lawrence
Directeur artistique at Mustoes
London, Royaume-Uni
Campagne Sowa - Energizer
Annonceur Energizer Holdings, Inc.
Marque Intelligent batteries
Mise en ligneJuin 2000
Produit Intelligent batteries
Secteur d'activité Piles, ampoules
Slogan A more intelligent use of energy
Synopsis The animation begins deep in a forest where the sound of woodpeckers pecking can be clearly heard. As the "camera" pans into the wood, an additional sound can be heard over the tapping, the soung of a drill. Zooming in on one particular bird, we notice that instead of using his beak, he is drilling holes into the wood. The voiceover says"Energizer - a more intelligent use of energy"
Philosophie This campaign, inspired by the art of Michael Sowa, illustrates this "intelligent" use of energy by using examples of various animals. The creatures are going about their everyday activities but in a way that makes the best use of their energy. In this commercial, the woodpecker is making holes as he would normally, but is using a drill.
Problème Battery advertising has traditionally concentrated upon the message of "lasting longer" and this is now largely ignored by consumers. Because this product uses the precise amount of energy for every appliance in which it is used, it can be said to use energy intelligently.
Type de média Télévision
Marché Royaume-Uni
Directeur de création
Directeur de création associé
Concepteur / rédacteur
Directeur artistique
Producteur, agence
Sociéte de création sonore
Maison de production

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