Tim Dillingham
Directeur artistique at McCann Worldgroup
New York, Etats-Unis
TitreLove Handles
Campagne Healthier America - Ad Council
Annonceur Ad Council
Marque Healthy America
Date de première diffusion/publication 2004 / 3
Secteur d'activité Santé publique, hygiène et sécurité
Slogan Take a small step to get healthy.
Synopsis Ad's used physical objects to demonstrate the loss of 'love handles' etc.
Philosophie The creative focuses on how people can take small steps to lead healthier lives.
Problème Since 65% of American adults are overweight or obese, the Department of Health and Human Services wanted to create an advertising campaign that would inspire a behavioral change among this group.
Résultat Total Donated Media
The AdCouncil Anti-Obesity campaign ranked #2 in total donated media during Q2 and Q3 ’04.
The total media donated totals $72 million (March ’04 – Sept. ’04).
TV totaled $13.2 million
Radio totaled $44 million
Print totaled $157,200
Out-of-Home totaled $6.4 million
Web Banners totaled $2.5 million
Other Media totaled $5.7 million
Other highlights include:
The total media donated for the Anti-Obesity campaign doubled the AdCouncil annual average in less than 7 months.
The campaign received placements in key primetime programming as well as wide support by CNN, TNT and TBS.
Web Site (referenced in advertising)
729,489 Unique Visitors to www.SmallStep.gov
64,274 subscribers to online newsletter
13,982 user accounts created for Activity Tracker Tool
Average length of visit reached 12:58 minutes during November (avg. 7 minutes)
2,860 download requests for Parent Guide (posted in December ’04)

*** Please note that media figures for Q4 have not been finalized and therefore have not been included.
Type de média Télévision
Marché Etats-Unis
Concepteur / rédacteur
Directeur artistique
Directeur de création
Producteur, agence

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