Virginie Chalard
Producteur, agence at Soixante Quinze 75
Boulogne-Billancourt, France
Campagne Emotions
Annonceur UGC
Marque UGC
Date de première diffusion/publication 2012 / 4
Secteur d'activité Culture, loisirs et sports
Slogan More movies, more emotions
Synopsis This clip promoting the french exploitation company UGC shows the impossibility to include all the emotions in a single movie feature, hence the interest for UGC to provide the largest possible selection of movies in order to offer the audience the widest range of emotions, all year long. The clip begins with a classical encounter scene between a woman and a man. As the woman gets closer to the man, we can hear the director's voice giving indications to the actress, asking for contradictory emotions. The actress' face gets deformed in all directions. On the set, the technicians are also trying to follow the emotions played by the comedians.
When the director asks his assistant what he thinks of the scene they just shot, his face also passes through a wide range of contradictory expressions. 
Type de média Cinéma
Production du son
Contributions agence
Contributions agence
Producteur son
Compositeur de musique
Directeur de la photo
Post production
Post production
Maison de production
Producteur, agence
Producteur, agence
Concepteur / rédacteur
Directeur artistique
Directeur de la création
Directeur de la création
Directeur de la création

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