Craig Inglis
Responsable de la publicité (annonceur) at Waitrose & Partners and John Lewis & Partners
London, Royaume-Uni
TitreMoz The Monster
Campagne #MozTheMonster
Annonceur John Lewis
Marque John Lewis
Date de première diffusion/publication 2017 / 11
Secteur d'activité Grande distribution
Synopsis the two minute advert tells a heartwarming story of a little boy called Joe, who is kept awake by a 7ft imaginary Monster called Moz who is living under his bed. The two form a friendship and play together every evening, but staying awake through The night starts to take its toll on Joe, who can hardly keep his eyes open during the day. For Christmas, Joe receives the perfect gift of a night light which helps him finally get some peace and quiet from Moz, and a good night’s sleep. Just as you think the ad has come to a close, Joe turns the light back off and hears the familiar rumblings of his friend and is reminded that he can bring Moz back any time he thinks of him.
Type de média Télévision
Bande son Golden Slumbers
Maison de production
Responsable de la publicité (annonceur)
MUSIC Artist

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