Adva Alon
Directeur artistique at Y&R Israel
Tel Aviv, Israël
TitreAll names in the country share the logo (Board)
Campagne All names in the country share the logo
Annonceur Strauss Group Inc.
Marque Strauss Food Group
Date de première diffusion/publication 2011 / 3
Secteur d'activité Alimentation
Problème Strauss Group has a consumer involvement platform.But everybody's talking about consumer involvement, about sharing ideas, crowd-sourcing etc... So Strauss wanted to take it a step further.But how far is a company really willing to go?
Résultat Strauss Group originated as a family business, founded in 1936 by Hilda and Richard Strauss.Just like Heineken was founded in 1864 by Gerard Adrian Heineken...  or many other family businesses that carry the name of their founders.Today, 75 years later, with activity all over the world, Strauss is a global food company.Strauss decided to go all the way and share its family LOGO with all the families in the country.The LOGO, which global companies never touch let alone come near. Yes, Strauss also has a brand book with more than one hundred pages... But this time it was different...All 180.000 family names in the country replaced the well known Strauss name on the logo, giving all citizens in the country a personalized logo.It began with 6000 Strauss employees which were surprised to see their personalized logo all over the factories and offices.The following day a national billboard campaign aired featuring the 500 most common family names in the country.TV spots showed many more and an online activity completed the campaign with all the country family names, randomly changing 24/7.Using all family names made sure people noticed the campaign which invited them to be part of Strauss's consumer involvement platform. Not just as customers anymore, but as a real part of the Strauss family.
Type de média Etude de cas
Responsable de la création
Directeur de la création
Directeur de création
Directeur de création
Directeur de création
Directeur artistique
Directeur artistique
Concepteur / rédacteur
Concepteur / rédacteur
Concepteur / rédacteur
Executive Client Director
Chef de groupe
Chef de groupe
Responsable de budget agence
Responsable de budget agence
Responsable de budget agence
Planneur stratégique
Executive Branding Director

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