Ivan Montebello
Directeur artistique at Ingo
Stockholm, Suède
TitreSouth Africa
Campagne Planet or plastic?
Annonceur National Geographic
Marque National Geographic abu dhabi
Date de première diffusion/publication 2019 / 1
Secteur d'activité Programmes télé
Synopsis Last year, National Geographic launched its “Planet or Plastic?” project. This year, we invited 12 art-vists, from the most plastic polluted countries in the world, to talk about the problem trough art and continue to spread the message. Each art was inspired by a real news and we’ve made a mini-doc explaining that and showing the production’ step-by-step and testimonials of the authors.
Philosophie We designed an eye-opening poster campaign titled THE (PLASTIC) PLANET YEAR. 12 artists. 12 most plastic-polluted oceans and countries. 12 artworks. A year-long call-to-action to turn the tide and live with zero single-use plastic.
Problème For 130 years, National Geographic (Nat Geo) has documented the stories of our planet, providing audiences around the world with a window into the earth’s breathtaking beauty as well as to the threats it faces. In 2018, Nat Geo launched the thought-provoking PLASTIC OR PLANET? initiative on its front cover to highlight the global plastic pollution problem. CHALLENGE There’s a new weapon of mass destruction: Single-use plastic. More than 5 trillion pieces are currently drowning our oceans. With 9 million tons more thrown in every year. At the same time, the citizens of the 12 most plastic-polluted countries in the world reside in the United Arab Emirates. Our challenge was to highlight the impact of marine pollution in their home countries and urge them to choose planet over plastic. OBJECTIVE Transform an "out of sight, out of mind" issue into motivation to make a behaviour change today.
Résultat - 8,684,792 media impressions - USD 323,499.36 free media and PR coverage - Positive sentiment across all target groups - 31% increase in site traffic year on year
Type de média Presse & publications
Responsable de la création
Creative Director, Art
creative director
Creative Director, Art
Concepteur / rédacteur
Concepteur / rédacteur
Directeur artistique

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